Смотрите про прилагательные также:
прилагательные в английском языке
прилагательные на английском
сравнительная степень прилагательных в английском
превосходная степень прилагательных английский
суффиксы прилагательных в английском языке
- АVERSE to Stg; to going
- AWARE of stg; of being; that
- BAD (= unsuccessful) at stg; at reading; bad (= harmful) for sby
- BLIND to other's faults
- BOUND for a destination; to go (a)
- BRAVE / to do stg (d)
- BRILLIANT / (= very successful) at mathematics; at solving problems
- BUSY / with stg
- CAPABLE / of doing Stg; of improvement
- CAREFUL (== watchful) / of stg or sby; (= taking trouble) with stg; to see (c); about answering letters
- CARELESS of danger; careless / with eg tools; careless / in what one does, in answering letters
- CERTAIN of stg or sby (= have confidence in); certain / about stg or sby (== have no doubt);
- to go (o); of going; that
- CLEAR / about a subject; of an obstacle; it...that
- CLEVER / at stg, at doing stg; with one's hands; to do stg (d)
- CLOSE /to or by stg or sby; to winning
- CONCERNED / (= worried) about sby or stg; about getting the work done; (= engaged) in or with an enterprise; (= worried) that... should
- CONFIDENT / Of SUCCCSS; of succeeding; in the hope of success; that... will
- CONSCIOUS of stg;
- CONTRARY to my advice
- CONVENIENT / (= suitable) for sby; (= well-placed) for stg, for parking; (= suitable) it... to;
- it... that... (should)
- CRAZY about sby or stg; to go (a & d)
- CRITICAL / Of Stg Оf Sby
- CRUEL / to sby; to do stg (d); it...to
- CURIOUS / (= anxious to know) about stg; to know (a); (= strange) it... to; it... that ;
- DEAF to eg an appeal
- DEAR / to sby (= loved by sby)
- DELIGHTED / with a present; at hearing good news; to do (a), to see (c); that
- DEPENDENT on sby or Stg; on being
- DESIRABLE/it...to; it...that...
- DETERMINED / on a course of action: to go (a) or on going; that...should
- DIFFERENT / from Stg or sby
- DISAPPOINTED / with stg; with or in sby; at not finding; that
- DISGUSTED / with stg; that
- DOUBTFUL / about stg or sby,about going
- DUE to stg or sby (= caused by); (= ready) for stg; (= planned) to arrive (a)
- EAGER for Stg; to go (d)
- EASY (=not worried) about stg;
- (= not applying strain) on sby or stg; to teach (/)
- ENVIOUS / Of Sby
- EQUAL / to stg; sby is equal to a task
- ESSENTIAL / to a purpose; it...to; it...that...should
- EVIDENT / to sby; it...that
- EXCITED / about stg; about or at going; to see (c): that
- EXPERIENCED / in Stg; in doing Stg
- EXPERT / at a skill; at doing stg
- FAITHFUL / tо Sby
- Sby is FAMILIAR with sby or stg; stg is f... to sby
- FAMOUS / for his achievements; for telling stories
- FIT (== suitable) for sby, stg is fit to eat; for eating; sby is fit for (= ready) work, to work (a)
- FOND of sby or stg; of swimming
- Sby is FORTUNATE /tо gо (c); in having; it...(for sby) that
- FREE / for a purpose; to go (a)
- FULL/ Of Stg
- FURIOUS / with sby; about stg; that
- GAME (= ready) for anything
- GENEROUS / to sby; with money; to go (d)
- GENTLE / With Sby
- GLAD / (= happy to know) about stg; glad of stg (= happy to have it); to see (c); that
- GOOD / (= successful) at stg, at solving problems: (= kind) to sby; (= beneficial) for sby or stg; (==kind) to do that it...that
- GRATEFUL / to sby, for stg; to have (c); that
- GUILTY / of a crime, of stealing
- HAPPY / about stg, about going; to go (c); that
- HARD / (= difficult) for sby; (= applying strain) on sby orstg; to teach (f)
- HESITANT / to go (a & c); about going
- HONEST / about stg
- HONOURED / to have (c)
- HOPEFUL / about the future; of success; about winning; that...will
- HOPELESS / (=not at all successful) at games; at acting
- HUNGRY for knowledge
- IGNORANT of the facts
- IMPORTANT / for sby or for one's work: it...to; it...that...should
- IMPOSSIBLE; it...to; it...that
- INCLINED tо gо (a)
- INDEPENDENT ,/ of sby I
- NFERIOR / to Stg or sby
- INTENT on going; on one's work
- INTERESTED / in stg or sby: to see (с) or in seeing ; would be interested to see (a); that... should
- LEVEL / with stg or sby LIKELY to go (o); it...that...will. Stg is likely, ie it may happen
- LOYAL / to Sby
- sby is LUCKY / to go (c); it...(for you)that
- MAD (= very keen) about or on stg or sby; about dancing; (=very keen) to go (a) or on going;
- (= very angry) at or with sby, about stg; (==very foolish) to go (a); (=very angry) that
- MARRIED / tо Sby
- MISTAKEN / (= wrong) about stg; in one's actions; in thinking stg
- STUPID/ about stg; to go (d)
- WRONG //about stg; to go (d); it…that…should