Russian for englishmen
Russian by Skype: 10 components of success
1. Desire to learn Russian via Skype.
2. Regular visits to the Russian online lessons via Skype and repetition of the learnt material, observance of the tuitor’s instructions and guidance will help to memorize.
3. Constant independent work with texts, vocabulary, the main thing is not to be lazy when an unfamiliar word or phrase are met, then you write it down in a workbook and learn.
4. Try to study Russian by Skype, always take notes so that all records were always on hand at any time and it would be possible to look and find the right word or phrase.
5. Try to learn all the sequences, you should not have to scatter and disperse your forces, switching from one to another. Work should be led to easier to more complex.
6. Preferably, each of you worked subject should be analysed and fixed during the practical lesson with your teacher. Russian tutor for Skype will correct your mistakes, indicate shortcomings so that such erroneous situations would have been excluded in future.
7.Also a factor of a great importance here is well-matched educational literature. Russian tutor via Skype will help you to choose the right school, not only from the British publisher, but also convenient, suitable Russian literature, which will contribute to better learning.
8. Do not sharpen your focus on a single literary source, it is desirable to work with various literary publications for the wider picture complete.
9. See Russian films in your spare time, analyze them. You can find the Russian-speaking interlocutor. Analyse or obscure points you don’t understand during the Russian lessons via Skype.
10. Study Russian independently, do not wait for the next online Russian lessons via Skype.