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Проводимые курсы:
Общий, Туристический, Деловой, Разговорный, TOEFL, IELTS
Опыт преподавания:
11 лет
Возрастные группы учеников:
  • - от 5 лет
  • - от 8 лет
  • - от 12 лет
  • - от 16 лет и старше
  • - взрослые
Репетитор в скайпе
Возраст преподавателя: 35 лет

ITTO (International Teacher Training Organization) TEFL Certification 140-hour Advanced Certificate Completed 28/10/2015 (97- Distinction) TOC# 11357


ITTO (International Teacher Training Organization) Business English Certification Completed 5/11/2015 (97-Distinction)


ITTO (International Teacher Training Organization) Teaching English to Young Learners Completed 8/11/2015 (97-Distinction)


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О репетиторе


I am currently an English teacher in a private English academy in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico (central Mexico).  It’s a thriving city of 2 million people with many businesses and industries.  For this reason, I have concentrated this year on teaching in many different international businesses.  My clients need both technical English and conversational English.  In addition to teaching for the school I also work online.  I have worked with ages from 5-65+ both in and outside of the school.  I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with people from Mexico, Honduras, the United States, China, France, Spain, and the list goes on.  I have my bachelors degree in interdisciplinary studies studio art (ceramics) and French, and I have a masters in international studies (international law and organization).  After finishing university I decided to pick up and leave my small hometown of Spartanburg, South Carolina in the USA, and I found myself here in Mexico.  I love to travel, Mexico is a beautiful country with so much music, food, and culture to enjoy. I have visited almost 10 different places in about 2 years, but my favorite places are where I can camp and visit waterfalls, swim, and explore.  I look forward to the future being able to travel to Europe, Asia, and I want to see more of South America (I have already visited Colombia).  My passions include art (sculpture in ceramics and alternative materials, drawing, and painting), I also play the piano, the trombone, and the euphonium.  I love to read, my favorite genre is historical non-fiction, but of course my biggest passion is for foreign languages. I hope to learn Portuguese or Russian in the near future, and in the distant future I would love to learn Mandarin. 

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