Репетитор по английскому онлайн Добрый день всем заглянувшим на эту страницу! Раз вы здесь, значит Вас, как и меня, интересует английский язык. А встретить людей, чьи интересы совпадают с твоими, всегда очень приятно!


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Проводимые курсы:
Общий, Туристический, Деловой, Разговорный, TOEFL, IELTS, Бизнес
Опыт преподавания:
8 лет
Возрастные группы учеников:
  • - от 16 лет и старше
  • - взрослые
Репетитор в скайпе

University of Johannesburg Bachelor degree in Information Systems Факультет: Commerce Computer Science


university of Illinois. Факультет: Management Master degree in Business Administration

(2018-по настоящий день)

Видео презентация преподавателя
О репетиторе


Hallo to you and welcome to my profile.

My name is Corne and I live in South Africa. Currently there is only 1 hour time difference between South Africa and Moscow. I am a native English speaker.

I have travelled the world and as they say, I travel to work and I work to travel. I like to meet people from all over the world. I have lived and worked in USA and parts of African Continent. I have been to Russia twice.

My teaching style varies from conversation practice to learning some grammar and working on listening skills. I can help with business english or TOEFL/IELTS exam prep. I have access to a platform that can generate the lessons at your level.
If you wish, we can use the guided, interactive lesson material during your lesson.

When I am not tutoring English online, I teach
computer programming to first year university students.

I have two dogs that accompany me everywhere. I read quite a lot.

During my off hours, I work on my MBA degree. I am a life long student.

I also speak some Russian, though not fluently yet.

I look forward to meeting you,



Опыт работы

Pretoria, South Africa

Afrikaans and English Language Teacher

(2018-по настоящий день)

Varsity College

IT Lecturer

(2019-по настоящий день)

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