Репетитор по английскому онлайн Добрый день всем заглянувшим на эту страницу! Раз вы здесь, значит Вас, как и меня, интересует английский язык. А встретить людей, чьи интересы совпадают с твоими, всегда очень приятно!


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О репетиторе


My name is Veronica Irvin. First, I am an online tutor and I am from the United States. I live in Nanjing, China and teach English for an international school group. I am degreed in Soviet history with minors in English and art history.

I earned my TEFL certification in 2005, TBE in 2012 and TESOL Technology in 2013. I started my career in Guadalajara, Mexico and continued it in Korea, Hong Kong and on Mainland China.

Second, I have two children and they live in the U.S.A. They are related to the Queen of England! I am a proud mother and honored to be teaching the queen’s language! She provided the historical foundation and the United States broadened it. I can teach American and British English! Third, when I am not teaching, I like to visit museums and explore. I cook and I study languages: English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. I am a graduate student, of course! Finally, I tutor online and hope to have you join me.  In my opinion, I am a great choice.  Good-bye!

Английский по Скайпу с носителями языка

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