Репетитор по английскому онлайн Добрый день всем заглянувшим на эту страницу! Раз вы здесь, значит Вас, как и меня, интересует английский язык. А встретить людей, чьи интересы совпадают с твоими, всегда очень приятно!


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Репетитор в скайпе
О репетиторе


Hello! I’m Heather and I am from England. I have also lived in Mexico where I was learning Spanish so I understand the challenge of learning a new language. I have worked with students for over 8 years and I enjoy seeing a student progress and achieve their potential. I am a dedicated teacher and I will work hard to make sure that each student has fun and learns English well. English is such a useful tool in the modern world and I can help with all aspects from grammar and pronunciation to English idioms and colloquialisms. I also know a wide range of vocabulary from specialist subjects. In my free time I love reading and playing live music.

Education – Lancashire, England

For the past 12 years I have been enrolled in an on-going school for teaching. It covers teaching
Points such as practical value made clear, choice of words, accuracy of statement, effective use of
Questions, examples that teach and fluent delivery.

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