Репетитор по английскому онлайн Добрый день всем заглянувшим на эту страницу! Раз вы здесь, значит Вас, как и меня, интересует английский язык. А встретить людей, чьи интересы совпадают с твоими, всегда очень приятно!


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О репетиторе


Hello Everybody!

My name is Robert and I’m from the USA, Las Vegas.Currently I live in Spain and have been teaching English for over eight years in the private academies,one-to-one,in company Business English .

Also for many years I have worked as an airline operations,weight and balance supervisor and flight dispatcher in U.S. That’s why I have taught for several years English for Aviation to Spanish Airforce in the headquarters, preparing the pilots and the airtraffic controllers for the Operational Level 4 Exam and SLP English for their Army,  airforce and Navy(NATO standards for non English speaking NATO members). My teaching experience was filled with another exciting way as online teaching,not only to the military members,who are serving in different parts of Spain and other countries but civilians as well. All these years I was making learning English easy and fun, helping my students improve their pronunciation and make them to converse as much as possible obviously focusing on grammar as well.

I love teaching and enjoy seeing students improving their language knowledge and skills.I think it’s great reward the student´s acknowledgment  for the job you’ve done. Throughout the years I’ve studied different methodologies of teaching and I’ve created my own,where I focus on implementing,let’s say phrasal verbs into frases and then dialogues.

Welcome on board and I’ll try to help you out any way I can.

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