Репетитор по английскому онлайн Добрый день всем заглянувшим на эту страницу! Раз вы здесь, значит Вас, как и меня, интересует английский язык. А встретить людей, чьи интересы совпадают с твоими, всегда очень приятно!


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Jen (носитель английского языка)
 Jen (носитель английского языка)
от 112 $/час
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Опыт преподавания:
8 лет
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  • - взрослые
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О репетиторе


Hi, Everyone! I’m Jen and I’m very happy to see you at my page! Let me tell you a little bit about myself so you would know who your potential teacher is!

I’ve been teaching English for about six years. I’m currently a student in an MFA program here in the U.S. completing a Master’s degree in writing. Before I taught English, I was an account executive for scholarly publishers that sold digital content to academic and corporate libraries. I’m a bookworm. I love to read, so selling learning material to librarians was an ideal match for my personality.

I’m an enthusiastic teacher of business English, including English for special purposes. Many of my students are accountants. I’ve also taught a number of professionals in the medical field. I offerTOEFL, IELTS and TOEIC prep. I’m adept at helping you overcome your fear of grammar. I have the uncanny ability to do this while keeping the mood light and the experience fun.

I like to laugh and have lots of energy so enjoy teaching kids. I believe that learning a new language is similar to being athletically trained. I don’t just teach. I coach. I motivate. I inspire.

I have traveled a bit. When I was younger, lived and worked in England and Paris. I have spent time in Canada and the Caribbean islands. One of my favorite cities in the world is Marrakech where years ago, I bought a beautiful handmade carpet that has lent a special warmth and color to my life.

I’m a New Yorker. You can hear it in my voice and laughter. I’m big on sharing anecdotes on my daily experiences, which helps build a strong personal bond between me and those I teach. I’m also a fantastic listener. Yes, I’ll help you to use English to accurately impart information, but will also show you how to use it to share your thoughts and feelings.

Looking forward to our lessons! We’ll have lots of fun working together!

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